What is programming language | What is Python, Java and C++

What is Programming language ?

    Programming language is also known as a computer language, using which programmers or developers communicate with computers. It is a set of instruction written in specific language to perform a particular task. C++, Objective C, Python, Java, JavaScript, Ruby, PHP, HTML, C#, Cobol, Perl, LISP, FORTRAN and Swift are the programming language but we learn about most popular programming language Python, Java and C++.

What is Python ?

    Python is an object-oriented programming language that was created by Guido van Rossum. Python was first released in 1991 and since then several versions of Python have been launched such as Python 1.0, Python 2.0, Python 3.0 etc. Python is an open source and high level programming language.
    Python syntax are very easy to understand. Python is simple and extensible programming language. It can integrate with other programming language such as C and C++. There are lots of libraries in Python which is used to develop an application. It is mostly used for Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, GUI(Graphical User Interface) based desktop, application and robotics.


  1. Python are easy to read, write and understand.
  2. Python can integrate with other programming language.
  3. Python is platform-independent means you can write code once and run it any operating system.


  1. Mobile application and game cannot develop by python.
  2. Python compile slower than other programming language like C and C++.

What is Java ?

    Java is also an object-oriented programming language that was created in 1995 by James Gosling. It was named OAK, but was then renamed java. Java is a mixed form of C and C ++. Java uses syntax and fundamental of C++. Java is a simple and portable programming language. It is also called multithreaded programming language which means that it can accomplish a lot of tasks simultaneously, this feature makes Java fast and interactive.
    Java is an independent platform programming language. it means that it can be run in any operating system. It is a secure programming language so it is used to create web based applications, android, big data, desktop application.


  1. Java program can run in any operating system.
  2. Java is highly secure programing language because there is no concept of explicit pointers.
  3. It can perform multiple task simultaneously.


  1. Java consume more memory and slower than other programming language like C++ or C.
  2. Java does not provide a backup facility.

What is C++ ?

    C++ is also an object-oriented programming language developed in 1980 by Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell Laboratory. At first it was named C with classes but in 1983 it was changed to C++. C++ is the extended version of C, so it can be coded in the style of C.
    Before C++, C and Simula 67 were very popular programming languages. Bjarne created C++ by combining these two programming languages which had all the features of OOPs(Object Oriented Programming System). Today's object oriented programming language is considered the best and C++ is a programming language in which the concepts of OOPS can be learned very easily. C++ is used to make system software, games, applications etc.


  1. C++ support OOPs feature such as Abstraction, Inheritance, Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Class and object.
  2. C++ can integrate with C, because it is more compatible with C programing language.


  1. C++ programming language is not much secure than other programming language like Java and Python.
  2. C++ do not support garbage collection.
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