What is cryptography| Type of Cryptography | uses of cryptography

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    If you are a hacker, having interest in cyber security or studying computer, then you must have heard words like cryptography, but what does these cryptography mean?

Cryptography :

    Cryptography is a process in which your message, call, email and communication line is encrypted and decrypted. Cryptography is used for security purpose to keep your message, call private, except for the receiver, that message and email cannot read anyone, ATM password, account password and credit card information are encrypted using cryptographic so that the hacker cannot read your Confidential data. If your data has been hack by hacker, they could not read your data, before decrypting it.
    In cryptography there are two main process called encryption and decryption. in encryption, plaintext are converted into ciphertext and in decryption, ciphertext is converted into plaintext and both is done with help of key. Now let learn about encryption, decryption, key, plaintext, cipher and ciphertext.

  1. Plaintext:- A message in it original form is called plaintext.
  2. Ciphertext:- If there is a message in pseudo form it is called ciphertext.
  3. Encryption:- A process in which plain text is converted into cipher text, is called encryption.
  4. Decryption:- A process in which cipher text is converted into plain text, is called decryption.
  5. Cipher:- An algorithm for converting plaintext to ciphertext is called cipher.
  6. Key:- Some important information used in the cipher, only the receiver and the sender know, which is called a key.

Type of Cryptography :

  1. Single key or Symmetric Cryptography
  2. Public key or Asymmetric Cryptography

1. Single key or Symmetric Cryptography :

    In symmetric cryptography, both encryption and decryption are done with the same key, hence it is also called single key cryptography. This cryptography is more secure than asymmetric cryptography, because it used single key for encryption and decryption therefore a hacker cannot guess your key.

2. Public key or Asymmetric Cryptography :

    In Asymmetric Cryptography both encryption and decryption are done with different keys so it is also called public key cryptography. In this cryptography, encryption is done with the help of public key but the decryption is done only with the help of private key. Asymmetric cryptography is Less secure than symmetric cryptography, because a hacker can guess private key with the help of public key.

Uses of Cryptography :

    Cryptography is used in various places to keep the user's data safe. If your data is stolen or hack by hacker then hacker cannot access or read your data without decrypting it. Cryptography is used in Bank to keep user account detail safe, to encrypt the password of an account in a website such as Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Messenger application like WhatsApp, Facebook and application like Paytm, Phone pay, Google pay also used cryptography.

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