What is Kernels?

पोस्टा को हिंदी में सुनें
    The computer is able to run due to the interaction of hardware and software, but there is also need a software for interaction between hardware and software, which is called Kernel

    Kernel is an important software of the operating system that connects other software to the hardware. A kernel is installed in a hard disk, where no user can access it. A kernel fulfills the software, hardware requirement. As if there is an audio application, the kernel permits it to use the system's microphone, speaker, storage, RAM and CPU

    Kernel of an operating system also regulates the power supply of the hardware. If the computer processor supports overclocking, then kernel will increase the power supply to the processor, for best performance, but it will reduce the battery life much faster. There are five types of kernels, Monolithic kernel, Micro kernel, Hybrid kernel, Nano kernel and Exo kernel.

    You can change the kernel given in mobile, it mostly happens in Android mobiles because they used Linux kernel, which is open source but it was too risky process it may brick your phone.
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